Are we there yet?
Not Yet!
Are we there yet??
Not Yet!!
Are we there yet??? I thought we were there, but we are not. This entire book writing experience has been such a learning process for me! I love the writing part…that is the part that satisfies my soul need to contribute something beautiful to the world. I can handle the editing. Grammar and spelling were two of my best subjects in school. Your girl was a spelling bee champ! The rest of it has been a HUGE challenge for me. I have felt like every corner I turned has surprised me a new challenge.
We are actually almost there. I am finally able to put all of the frustration and worry aside and get excited about the fact that I WROTE A BOOK…or a bookish journal. I haven’t exactly decided what to call it yet. I have created what I hope you will find is a warm hug blanketed in my own life experiences. I wrote The Love Journey to nurture you and hopefully teach you to have more authenticity and love in your own life. I also wrote The Love Journey for me. I filled it with many things that I wish I would have known during some of the hardest times of my life. Still, I have tried to be vulnerable without making this about me and taking away from YOUR journey.
Vulnerability will definitely do the trick! It can be incredibly intimidating to put your heart on paper for the anyone in the world to see! Gasp! I love what Maya Angelou said about courage,
“I am convinced that courage is the most important of all the virtues. Because without courage, you cannot practice any other virtue consistently.”
Do you know what else requires courage? LOVE!
I will leave you with an excerpt from my book.
“You cannot truly experience love without becoming courageous. First, the nature of love is to give before receiving and without the promise of reciprocation. Second, you must lay down any and every piece of armor that you have used to protect yourself from pain. You must stand before Love vulnerable and exposed in all your glorious brokenness. Yes, your brokenness is glorious. The scars on your heart are marks of lessons learned, sins forgiven and proof that the depth, the determination and the fire required for love are all inside of you. After all the pain, you’re still here aren’t you?”
Thank you for taking this journey with me.
– Heather
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