June Update


Woah!  June was an absolute whirlwind…almost everyone in the house caught a stomach bug, three birthdays, Father’s Day, Dominic and I finished another home renovation and learning to market my book (so frustrating…if you know people who know people, hook me up!) and just the business of life…throw in a fourth of July celebration and I woke up today without having written a single blog post.


On the career side of my life, I was featured on the front page of a local newspaper and I started regular contributions to another local newspaper in June. I am also running my very first marketing campaign this month…so that is exciting! I have been feeling incredibly inspired and thankful for everything going on and new opportunities. 


That being said, I am still a sucker for the slow rainy days…which we’ve had very few of lately. My poor little flowers are suffering and needing a lot of extra TLC…my kids (and husband) on the other hand spend their days trying to figure out how to get back on the lake.


We are fully in the throes of summer’s loving embrace and as busy as we’ve been I have been enjoying all of it….even the 100+ temps.  I feel so blessed and thankful for this season of my life. Life isn’t perfect, but I have learned to appreciate more than ever all the little things that make life beautiful and worth living. 

How is your summer going? 

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