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New Year’s Resolutions Dear Heather, Every year I make New Year’s Resolutions and every year I do not follow through with most of them. I want to accomplish more, but I’m not sure I know how. Do you have any advice on how to do this? Dear Want To Accomplish More, Congratulations! You accomplished “SOME” […]
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Depressed at Christmas Dear Heather, Christmas is always a struggle for me. My childhood Christmas experience was always stressful and every year I get depressed as soon as the season starts. I think most of the traditions are pointless and I cannot wait for the season to be over. The problem is my husband and […]
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Dear Heather, How can a stay-at-home Mom find an outlet for creativity that helps her to feel more relevant, confident, or successful? Dear Stay at Home Mom, I have 5 kids, so not only can I relate to this question, but I have also been ALL over the place while trying to figure […]