
This Week Was Frustrating…

Don’t worry, you are not about to have an inbox gripe-fest. However, during my overwhelming frustration with something completely out of my control, I heard my grandmother’s words ringing in my ears.  “In all things give thanks, Heather, for this is the will of God concerning you!”

I recall fighting the urge to roll my eyes as far back into my head as I could…Insert laughing emoji here!

She was absolutely right…and so was Paul when he wrote it in his letter to the Thessalonians…amazing how wisdom never goes out of style!  The principle here is that gratitude creates joy.  How do you feel when you are around someone who complains all the time?  What do you think constant complaining does to your family or to your own brain?

Research from Stanford University has shown that complaining shrinks the hippocampus – an area of the brain that is critical to problem solving and intelligent thought.  WOAH! Read that again.

Research from Stanford University has shown that complaining shrinks the hippocampus-an area of the brain that is critical to problem solving and intelligent thought.

Considering that the hippocampus is one of the primary areas damaged by Alzheimer’s that is quite concerning.  So, what do we do? We practice gratitude and we choose joy. Here is how I handled my frustration… I started by complaining and feeling generally angry…ha ha ha! We tell the truth in this blog.

We Tell the Truth Here…

Then I heard my grandmother’s voice in my head and as painful as it was, I started saying, “Thank you for my family.  Thank you for my healthy children.  Thank you for my husband.  Thank you for my home.  Thank you for this unpleasant experience and the lessons that I know I will learn from it. (That one really hurt) Thank you for the wisdom to move forward in spite of these circumstances.”

I Took My Power Back

In addition to pulling my brain out of a funk and taking charge of my emotions, I took my power back.  In life we can be subject to, or the object of.  We can be subject to our own or others’ short-comings, emotions, and ill intent, OR we can be the object hope, joy and peace…I will choose that 100 times over.

If I go down, I go down swinging.

I will overcome.  I will push through.  I will re-group and come up with a new plan.  I will not quit.  My favorite single mom phrase was, “If I go down, I go down swinging.”  Do you want to know the truth?  I did get knocked down.


What about you?  Are you going to throw in the towel or get back in the fight?

Please check out my website www.hshaygood.com

my new book in the Book Baby Book Shop.  

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